Plan Your Deck Build in 5 Easy Steps

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Thinking about building a new deck? While the prospect of planning for such a big project may seem daunting, it’s actually simpler than you might think. Read on for five simple steps to take to prepare for your deck project.

1. Consider the Rules

Contact your local building department to learn about deck building codes and requirements. Reach out to your subdivision organization for information about size or color specifications, or any other requirements or restrictions they may have. Knowing ahead of time about rules affecting your deck build can save a lot of hassle down the line.

2. Decide on Materials

While many products are available, the most popular decking options are pressure-treated lumber, composite, cedar, concrete, and hardwood. Railings can be built from pressure-treated lumber, aluminum, composite, cable, glass, or cedar, among other options. Take some time to look into all of the available materials before making a decision. Visit a local material supplier to see samples and get a general idea of cost. Keep maintenance expenses in mind when budgeting for your project. Pressure-treated lumber decks are cheaper to install, but regular staining adds to the cost over time of owning the deck.

3. Plan Size and Shape

Make sure to think about how you intend to use the space. Think about furniture placement and where you want stairs to be. Consider the layout of your home, especially the position of windows and door walls both above and below the deck if you own a walkout. Look to your friends and neighbors’ decks for things that you like, as well as things that you’d like to avoid.

4. Add in the Extras

Don’t forget to consider lighting. It’s actually required in some areas, so make sure you know your local ordinances. Sun shading is also something to consider. Roofs, awnings, and pergolas are some available options. Storage, planters, and benches can also be added to increase the space’s functionality.

5. Find a Contractor

Always choose a licensed and insured contractor. Licensing and insurance both provide security that the job will be completed properly. Ask for references and to see pictures of decks previously built by the company. Make sure to choose a contractor who has experience installing the materials that you’ve chosen for the project. If available in your area, make sure to tell the contractor that you would like a permit to be pulled through the building department for your job.

Planning for a deck build can seem overwhelming, but by following these steps you can take on your project with confidence. Knowledge is power, and starting with a basis of research ensures that you are an informed consumer. You will feel prepared for your meeting with contractors, and be ready to get your build underway once you have selected a winning bid.