Party’s Over: How to Subtly Tell Guests It’s Time to Leave

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If you’ve ever had a guest overstay their welcome, you know how uncomfortable it can be. When preparing for a big event like a dinner party, it’s natural to wonder if there are gentle ways to let guests know when it’s time to head home. Thankfully, you can do a few things both before and during a party to ensure that guests leave in a timely manner. 

Before the Party

One of the simplest ways to ensure that guests are aware of the expected length of the occasion is to include an end time on the invitation. This tip can be applied to both formal invitations and more casual text or email party invites. You obviously don’t have to stick to the exact end time during the occasion, but putting an end time in writing beforehand goes far toward setting expectations and will make guests more receptive to signals that the party is coming to a close during the event.

Near the End of the Party

As you are approaching the end of the evening, there are a couple of subtle ways that you can signal to guests that the end is near. First, lower the volume of the music. If you implement this slowly, say by dropping the music’s volume by around 10% every five minutes or so starting around half an hour before you want people to leave, guests will hardly be aware that it’s happening. At the same time, begin to turn up the lights, implementing a slow-play strategy if possible. These incremental changes subliminally signal to guests that it’s time to begin their goodbyes.

Time’s Up

When the moment has arrived, there are again ways that you can gently let your guests know that the party has now reached an end. One option is to begin a goodbye circuit in which you begin to circulate, shaking hands or giving hugs as you thank your guests for coming and wish them safe travels home. Alternatively, you can get it all done at once by giving a quick speech to the crowd at large, thanking them for their attendance, and offering rideshare information if needed.

Hosting an event is stressful, and the last thing you want is a guest overstaying their welcome when all you want to do is clean up and go to bed. Through the subtle tips described above, you can ensure that all guests know when the event has reached its conclusion.