Help the Butterflies in 3 Easy Steps

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Butterflies are one of the prettiest pollinators around. Unfortunately, they’re not as plentiful as they once were. In fact, according to a 2019 study by NatureServe, almost 20 percent of United States butterfly species are at risk of extinction. Thankfully, there are some simple things that you can do at home to help butterflies as they pass through your yard.

Attract Them with Plants

By choosing to incorporate native plants in your landscape, you are also doing a service to your local ecosystem, including butterflies that frequent your area. Include plants that caterpillars are known to frequent, like milkweed for monarchs or wild violet for fritillary butterflies. Also, be sure to incorporate plants that adult butterflies feed off of, like Joe Pye weed and zinnias. Many plants, like the American version of wisteria, can provide both a host plant for caterpillars and a nectar source for adult butterflies.

Cut Out the Chemicals

When you’re faced with pests or out-of-control weeds, it’s very tempting to reach for the chemical spray. After all, insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are readily available and super effective. Unfortunately, choosing to apply them to your yard is also one of the worst things you can do for the butterflies. Instead, opt for a more natural approach. Choose organic, pollinator-friendly treatment options or, when possible, just let it go. Many (though obviously not all) pest and plant disease outbreaks will clear themselves with time. 

Provide a Place to Drink

Butterflies are known to drink and obtain necessary minerals from sandy water. Bury a shallow pan, like the top of a birdbath or the base of a terracotta planter, in a flowerbed until the rim rises just above ground level. Add course natural sand (no colored sand, please) and water until the sand is moist. Add some flat rocks to give butterflies a place to perch after their drink. Replenish the water frequently but avoid leaving standing pools of water to prevent mosquito breeding.

It’s easy to help the butterflies. Choose native plant species, focusing on plants that butterflies use for breeding and feeding. Avoid applying chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers whenever possible. Provide a place for butterflies to drink. By taking these steps you will help your beautiful visitors immensely.