Get the Most Out of Your Doctor’s Appointment

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With extended wait times for appointments becoming the norm and the price of co-pays ever increasing, you obviously want to ensure you get the most out of every doctor’s appointment. These appointments can move fast, and if you’re not prepared, you can walk away with questions and confusion. Here are some easy ways to ensure you get the most out of a doctor’s appointment.

Make a List Beforehand

This is probably the single most helpful thing that you can do to ensure that all of your concerns are addressed during a doctor’s appointment. While at home, you may be able to easily list your symptoms and concerns, under questioning in a doctor’s office, your memories can often come up short. Before your appointment, make a thorough list of your symptoms and the questions that you have. This will give you a solid reference point you can rely on during your appointment.

Be Honest

Your doctor can’t help you to address your medical concerns if you’re not telling them the whole truth. Period. Never let embarrassment keep you from getting help. Answer questions about alcohol and drug use, sexual activity, and mental health honestly to receive the best care. And be sure to include even embarrassing things on your list of symptoms. Most doctors have heard it all before, and your shocking revelations probably won’t even make them raise an eyebrow.

Have a Second Set of Ears

If you walk away from doctors’ appointments feeling like you immediately forget half of what your doctor said, you are not alone. If you’re comfortable sharing your personal information, it may be helpful to bring a trusted family member or friend along so that you have a second person absorbing what your doctor says. Or, you could always record the appointment to review the recording later if you need clarification. Just be sure to ask your doctor beforehand if you do plan to record.

Addressing health care concerns thoroughly is critical to receiving proper care. By coming to your appointment prepared with a list of questions and concerns, being honest with your healthcare provider about your habits and symptoms, and bringing along a second party to your appointment if necessary, you can be sure to maximize the time spent with your doctor.

*Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash