Four Easy Steps to Plant a Container Garden

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Container gardens are a beautiful addition to any porch or patio. While pre-made container gardens are available to purchase, it can be fun to create your own unique container garden arrangement. It’s also easy when you follow these four steps.

Pick a Container 

Choose a container large enough to hold several plants. Depending upon the size of plants selected, a 12” pots can comfortably hold 3 or 4 plants, a 16” can fit 5 to 7, and a 20” planter can hold between 6 and 9 plants. Choosing a container with drainage holes is important for plant health. Terra cotta, concrete, plastic, metal, and wood containers can all be good options for container gardens.

Selecting Flowers 

Choose plants in a variety of colors that suit your tastes. You can go for a rainbow effect or choose one or two colors and select several plants of each color. Try to choose a combination of tall dramatic plants, lower filler plants, and vine-like trailing plants to fill the visual space of your garden. Greenery is important, so choose plants with beautiful leaves as well as ones with beautiful flowers. Keep in mind plant light and water requirements, selecting plants that like similar conditions for optimal results.

Planting Flowers 

First place several stones in the bottom of the planter to improve drainage. Water sitting on plant roots can lead to rot, so proper drainage is important for the health of your container garden. Next add a layer of high-quality potting mix, filling the pot to around 2/3 full. Choosing a quality potting mix ensures that your plants will have the nutrients required to flourish all year. Then add your plants. Move them around to try out different arrangements before settling on a final layout. Fill the container the rest of the way with potting mix, pressing down the soil as you fill to remove air and ensuring root balls are covered. Leave a bit of space between the top of the soil and the rim of the planter to avoid water overflow.


Water thoroughly, making sure all soil is moistened and that container drainage is working properly. Check back every few days and water when soil becomes dry, keeping plant water preferences in mind. If there is a drainage basin beneath your container, empty any standing water frequently to avoid root rot.

With proper maintenance, your container garden should add beauty to your space all summer long. When growing season has ended, empty your container, wash, and store for the next year. Try different plant and color combinations each spring to freshen up the curb appeal of your home.