9 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

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Maybe you are planning to put your home on the market and want to ensure a quick sale. Perhaps you just bought a new house and want to change up the look of the front of your home. Or maybe you’re just sick of looking at the run-down exterior of your home and want to freshen things up. Thankfully there are lots of ways to improve the curb appeal of a home. From cheap options to all-in expensive overhauls, here are nine ways to refresh your home.

Reviving a Dead Lawn 

A crispy brown lawn can make even the cutest house look run-down and unkempt. Call in the professionals to lay down sod for an instant fix. Or try a do-it-yourself repair. For an overall repair of patchy lawns overseeding is the way to go. Overseeding should be done in fall if you live in the north, or late spring if you live in the southern part of the US. Mow grass short, rake to remove debris, and spread seed using a hand-powered seed spreader. An application of organic fertilizer at this point will encourage the new seed to grow and flourish. Water daily until seedlings have reached the height of the rest of your lawn. Mow at the highest setting to allow grass to choke out weeds.

Updating Flower Beds

Overgrown flower beds make a house look uncared for. Clear beds of weeds and unwanted plants. Install or repair edging for a clean look. From inexpensive plastic to poured concrete or stone, there are edging options for every budget. Rake flower bed to remove debris and loosen soil. Add soil amendments, such as compost, if the soil is in poor condition. Lay landscaping fabric to prevent weeds, cutting X shapes into the fabric where plants are to be. Plant new plants, taking care to select plants properly suited for light conditions of the flower bed. Finish with a 3-inch layer of mulch over the landscaping fabric and around your plants.

Trimming Trees, Bushes, and Shrubs 

Well-maintained trees, bushes, and shrubs are healthier, and look better too. Use a clean, sharp pair of pruning shears to remove dead, diseased, or pest-filled branches. You can also trim up low-hanging or other unwanted branches, or trim to create a particular shape.

Cleaning Up Driveways and Walks 

Dirty or overgrown driveways and walks are easy and cheap to refresh. Sweep, wash, and use an edging tool or flat shovel to clean up grass borders. Consider calling in an expert to repair large cracks or level uneven concrete slabs. If surfaces are crumbling beyond repair, a full removal and replacement might be necessary.

Front Door 

The front door is the focal point for anyone approaching your house, and it is a relatively easy area to refresh. If the door is in good condition but ugly, paint or refinish. Install new hinges, doorknobs, and locks for a completely updated look. Or, replace the whole thing if your current door is broken or just not your style. Replacement doors are relatively inexpensive if you go with something basic. Or spend a bit more for a statement piece.


A front porch in disrepair is not just unsightly; it’s dangerous. Replace broken or rotted boards and railings and restrain. Or, call in an expert if a complete re-do is required. Planters, swings, and other accessories can make the space personal and feel inviting.


One of the more expensive projects you can undertake, re-doing a roof is well worth the investment if your shingles are worn, missing, or curled. Not only will having a roof recovered change the look of your home completely, but it will also save you from a potentially costly leak. As roofing can be very dangerous, hiring an experienced roofing crew is usually the way to go.


Another project that completely changes the look of a home is washing, repairing, or replacing siding. Wash if it’s just dirty, repairing any damage that you find. You will be surprised by the difference that a good power washer can make. Mildewy green siding can be transformed before your eyes. But if the siding is too far gone a professional re-installation is an option.


Dirty windows? Remove screens and wash in warm, soapy water. Rinse the screens and allow them to dry in the sun. Wash windows and tracks, inside and out. Re-install screens. Consider a professional window replacement if windows are cracked, leaky, foggy, or don’t open.

All of these options will make a difference in the curb appeal of your home. Decide what your budget and DIY skills can handle, and take on the projects that make the most sense.